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A colon cleanse enema can irrigate the rectum and lower colon, relieve constipation and detoxify the body. According to Nick Foley and Sally James, naturopathic doctors at “Ask a Naturopath,” the water volume from enemas expands the intestines and causes the bowel to release waste. While there are many types of enemas, some that only clean the rectum, a colon cleanse enema must include an ample amount of fluid to reach the lower colon. The enema bag can be made of rubber, vinyl or latex and hold from 1 to 4 quarts of liquid. Nozzles come in different materials, sizes, and shapes. Always talk to your doctor before trying a home enema.


Put about 12 inches from one end of the hose, and connect that end to the bottom of the nozzle. Connect the other end of the hose to the tube protruding from the bottom of the enema bag.

Fill the enema bag with 1.5 to 2.0 quarts of water at body temperature of about 98 degrees.

Hang the enema bag 4 to 6 feet from the ground by attaching one end of the S-hook into the circle at the top of the enema bag and the other end of the hook from a towel rack, shower head or high stand in the bathroom.

Lubricate the nozzle and anus.

Get into a knee-chest position on the floor, insert the nozzle into the rectum and open the clamp to let the water flow into your body. Take in as much water as you can.

Lie down on your back and massage your lower abdomen for a few minutes or as long as you can hold in the water before going to the toilet.


Clean and disinfect the enema equipment, especially the nozzle, after each use.

Take enemas in the early mornings before drinking or eating any food.

Let out water from the hose before inserting nozzle into your rectum to avoid accumulation of air in the colon.

Take two or three enemas per session to fully cleanse out the bowl and lower colon.

Replace the nozzle with an 18 inch long colon tube, and insert this tube into the rectum for a deeper colon cleanse.


Consult your doctor about your health before administering a colon cleanse enema. Michael Picco, M.D., at the Mayo Clinic, cautions against colon cleanses for people with kidney or heart disease because of the increased risk of dehydration and loss of electrolytes. Be careful not to perforate your rectum, since this could require surgery, according to Carol Burke, M.D. at the Cleveland Clinic.