Happy young woman tweezing eyebrows
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Everybody has nose hair. In fact, nose hair, or cilia, are part of an intricate defense system that provides protection to your lungs. In combination with mucus, cilia works to remove dirt and debris from your airways, preventing it from entering your respiratory system, according to Cedars-Sinai. Hormonal changes in the body may cause excess hair to grow in areas in which it never grew before -- this includes the nose. Getting rid of embarrassing nose hair can become top priority.

Trim nose hair using a nose hair trimmer. Simply turn the trimmer on, and then gently press the blades of the trimmer against the skin of your nose. The trimmer will cut the hair at the surface of the skin. Repeat as needed.

Snip nose hair using a pair of personal grooming scissors with rounded tips. Grip the grooming scissors firmly, slipping your thumb through one hole and your middle finger through the other. Support the scissors with your pointer finger as you tilt your head back, and cut away the long nose hair using the very tips of the grooming scissors.

Try laser hair removal. Seek out a professional hair-removal specialist who has a good reputation. Ask around if you must. Laser hair removal can permanently do away with embarrassing, excessive nose hair.


Some women choose to wax away nose hairs, but just like plucking -- which pulls out nose hair -- waxing can damage your tender nasal tissue. Waxing is possible only on the outer surface of the nose.


Do not pluck out nose hair using your fingertips or a pair of tweezers. Plucking can cause ingrown hairs, which can ultimately lead to infection. Pulling the hair out of your nose can also cause painful inflammation and permanent damage to the nasal tissue.