Buttocks & Leg Pain

Buttock and leg pain may occur as the result of strenuous activity, injury or nerve pain. Pain in the legs and buttocks most often results from muscle pain after beginning a new exercise or from overuse of the muscles. The first step toward relieving buttocks and leg pain is identifying its cause.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Muscle Aches

If you recently started a new exercise regimen that puts a lot of strain on your legs or requires your leg muscles to work harder than normal, you will likely experience buttocks and leg pain the day after your activity. Exercises such as jogging or leg lifts often result in muscle pain and fatigue the following day. This pain will likely decrease as your muscles become accustomed to the additional work. Resting for a day in between workouts will help prevent injury and allow your muscles time to recover from a tough workout.

  • If you recently started a new exercise regimen that puts a lot of strain on your legs or requires your leg muscles to work harder than normal, you will likely experience buttocks and leg pain the day after your activity.
  • Exercises such as jogging or leg lifts often result in muscle pain and fatigue the following day.


Sore Muscles & Stair Climbing

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You may experience pain in your leg or buttocks area if you have injured yourself. Unlike the mild pain that occurs when beginning a workout routine, pain from an injury may occur suddenly and be more severe. The hamstrings near your buttocks and upper thigh may become injured when you attempt a strenuous workout without stretching first or when your muscles are weak from inactivity. Symptoms of a tear in the hamstring muscles include swelling, bruising, tenderness, weakness and a tearing sensation in the muscle. You may also be unable to fully bear weight on the affected leg.

  • You may experience pain in your leg or buttocks area if you have injured yourself.
  • The hamstrings near your buttocks and upper thigh may become injured when you attempt a strenuous workout without stretching first or when your muscles are weak from inactivity.

Nerve Pain

Nerve pain, or peripheral neuropathy, occurs when the nerves cannot properly transmit information to the brain 2. The pain primarily begins in the feet and legs and progresses toward the center of the body as the condition worsens. According to Medline Plus, a common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes 2. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include a burning sensation, tingling, pain and other sensation changes in the feet and legs 2. An inability to determine joint position, resulting in a lack of coordination, may also occur.


VMO Strengthening Exercises

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For muscle pain that results from a new exercise routine, a day of rest between workouts may be all you need for pain relief. For an injury, a physician may recommend that you use crutches to keep weight off the leg while it heals. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications may help relieve the pain. After sufficient healing time, you may need to undergo physical therapy. For nerve pain, a physician can prescribe medications that effectively treat peripheral neuropathy and may also recommend physical therapy 2.

  • For muscle pain that results from a new exercise routine, a day of rest between workouts may be all you need for pain relief.
  • For nerve pain, a physician can prescribe medications that effectively treat peripheral neuropathy and may also recommend physical therapy 2.