How to Wear a Safety Pin in Clothes

Safety Pin and Jeans

Maxal Tamor/iStock/Getty Images

When your favorite blouse tosses you a surprise like a missing button or when a hem line falls in a skirt, safety pins can offer temporary assistance. Many people prefer hiding the safety pin by securing it inside the garment; however, if not used properly the sharp pin can poke you. Strong and easy-to-use, safety pins come in different sizes but have one basic shape. This simple device also keeps the effects of static electricity like crackling and clinging clothes to a minimum.

Fixing a Garment

Turn the garment inside out. Locate the area that needs attention. If it's a fallen hem or missing button, fold the material with your fingers to demonstrate how you want the closure to appear.

Find the appropriate sized safety pin for the job. If fixing a large tear, you may need two or more pins.

Cinch the area closed with your fingers. Open the safety pin by pressing on the bar. Watch out for the sharp point.

Slide the open pin through the fabric twice. Allow an inch or two of space in between the piercings for a better grip on the fabric.

Squeeze the pin closed, sliding the bar back into position.

Turn the garment right side out. Check the area to make sure the safety pin is hidden. Wear your garment.

Pulling Up a Zipper

Find a large safety pin and open it carefully. Slide the open bar into the broken zipper tab.

Close the safety pin. Tug on the pin to close the zipper.

Open the safety pin and remove it from the zipper. Close the pin and keep it in your jean's pocket in case you need it again.

Fighting Static Electricity

Examine your garment. Look for a seam or a hem that touches your skin when you wear it.

Open the pin and position it along the hem or seam. Close the pin.

Wear the garment with the pin next to your skin. Contact with your skin acts as a ground that stops static electricity.