Brown Spots on Face After Drinking Liquor

If you see brown spots on your face after drinking liquor, you may have one of a few different conditions. Spots due to flushing or bruising occur if you have a low tolerance for alcohol, cannot process alcohol properly or drink enough alcohol to expand your blood vessels. Liver spots, also known as age spots and solar lentigines, can be the result of long-term drinking of liquor in high quantities. These spots often appear on your face as well as other parts of the body that you expose to the sun.

General Skin Problems

If you already have a skin condition such as psoriasis, drinking liquor can make your facial skin develop more spots. Regular drinking can dehydrate your body, making your skin get dryer and look irritated and scaly. Your skin may also bruise more easily 2.

  • If you already have a skin condition such as psoriasis, drinking liquor can make your facial skin develop more spots.
  • Regular drinking can dehydrate your body, making your skin get dryer and look irritated and scaly.

Cirrhosis of the Liver

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One of the key side effects of drinking liquor over a long period is the scarring of your liver. The liver absorbs alcohol and other toxins, but it can regenerate healthy tissue. Excessive drinking inhibits its ability to heal itself. It develops scars and ceases to function properly. This condition, known as cirrhosis of the liver, can produce brown spots called spider angiomata and petechiae on your facial skin. You may also appear jaundiced.

  • One of the key side effects of drinking liquor over a long period is the scarring of your liver.
  • The liver absorbs alcohol and other toxins, but it can regenerate healthy tissue.

Alcohol Intolerance

If you see facial spots immediately after consuming liquor, even a small amount, you may have a condition known as alcohol intolerance. Some people have a genetic precedent that makes their bodies unable to process alcohol. Other symptoms of this condition include rashes and nasal congestion. Your only option for treating alcohol intolerance is to abstain from drinking 2.

  • If you see facial spots immediately after consuming liquor, even a small amount, you may have a condition known as alcohol intolerance.
  • Some people have a genetic precedent that makes their bodies unable to process alcohol.

Prevention and Treatment

Effects of Alcohol on Skin

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Reducing or eliminating liquor from your diet is the primary way to prevent spotting. However, you may still have facial spotting due to other factors. Wear sunscreen with a high sun-protection factor and avoid going outside during the parts of the day when the sunlight is strongest. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin moisturized. To lighten existing spots, try the cosmetic procedure known as skin bleaching. Speak with your doctor about any new dark spots that develop or any spots that change size or color, as they may be cancerous.

  • Reducing or eliminating liquor from your diet is the primary way to prevent spotting.
  • Speak with your doctor about any new dark spots that develop or any spots that change size or color, as they may be cancerous.