Foods to Reduce a Metallic Taste in the Mouth

A metallic taste in the mouth can seem alarming at first, but it's common and can be caused by various factors. A metallic taste in the mouth can be caused by certain medications such as some antibiotics, prenatal vitamins and antidepressants, as well as some medications used to treat high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis or kidney stones. In addition, oral infections such as gingivitis or periodontitis, tooth infections, poor oral hygiene, a zinc deficiency, or exposure to radiation or chemotherapy treatments may lead to a temporary metallic taste in the mouth. A metallic taste in the mouth can be bothersome and can lead to poor appetite, although certain foods can aid in lessening a metallic taste in the mouth.

Smoothies, Sorbet, Fruit Juice

According to the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit smoothies, sorbet and sherbet -- as well as fruit ice and fruit juices -- are foods that are usually tolerable by people who have metallic taste. In addition, adding fruit juices such as orange, lime or lemon juice -- or orange marmalade to salads, salsa, meat sauces, vegetables, oil-based salad dressings, or soups such as broth-based or gazpacho soups -- can enhance the flavor of such dishes and disguise the metallic taste in the mouth with a tart taste.

Eggs, Fish, Peanut Butter, Beans, Dairy

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People with a metallic taste in the mouth usually find meat or poultry to be intolerable, so they should consume alternatives to meat in order to get adequate protein. Such protein-rich alternatives to meat and poultry, according to, include eggs, fish, peanut butter, beans, and dairy products. Meat and poultry may be tolerable to people who have a metallic taste in their mouth if such meats are served cold or at room temperature, or if the meats have been marinated in a fruit-based juice. Dairy products that may be most tolerable for people with metallic taste in their mouth include ice cream, frozen yogurt and other chilled dairy products.

  • People with a metallic taste in the mouth usually find meat or poultry to be intolerable, so they should consume alternatives to meat in order to get adequate protein.

Hard Candies and Mouth Rinses

According to the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, sucking on peppermint hard candies, lemon drops or mints or chewing on gum can help reduce a metallic taste in the mouth. Rinsing the mouth with fruit juice, wine, tea, ginger ale, club soda or salted water before eating can help reduce the taste.
