What Is a Powerful Yoga Exercise for Vaginal Strength?

Vaginal strength isn't something you regularly talk about, but if you want to avoid wearing adult diapers and potentially enjoy yourself a bit more in the bedroom, you should give it some attention in your yoga practice.

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The real key to vaginal strength isn't your vagina at all, but your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor sits between your pelvic cavity and your perineum, which is the muscular area that's between your vagina and anus. Strength in this area gives you more control over your vagina, whether you want to hold back a stream of urine or have some assistance in child birth.

Another benefit of strengthening this area? You'll minimize the "poofs" of air that sometimes exit your vagina and make an embarrassing noise during yoga practice. A loose vaginal wall lets more air in, so more air comes out. Keep it tight, with mula bandha engaged, and you'll experience less of those moments.

Yoga has the unique ability to covertly strengthen your vaginal wall and pelvic floor. A little extra concentration and some props are all you need.

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Mula Bandha

Step one in strengthening your vaginal area is learning to engage mula bandha. The bandhas are energy locks in the body that enhance your ability to feel and do poses. Mula bandha is also called the root lock; it basically involves squeezing your perineum. You might think of it as a kegel exercise often taught to women for vaginal health and strength.

Mula bandha is subtle, and requires some thought. To do it, feel your inner thighs squeeze together and up. It's as if you are pulling the walls of the vagina tighter.

You might find it easier to engage mula bandha when you use a prop 1. Place a yoga block between your thighs as you hold Plank pose or Mountain pose, for example. Squeeze the block with your thighs as you think about drawing that energy up through your center.

Now, engage mula bandha as often as you think of it during your practice. You'll notice it enhances your experience in poses such as Warrior II, or in balancing poses, such as Eagle.

  • Step one in strengthening your vaginal area is learning to engage mula bandha.
  • Now, engage mula bandha as often as you think of it during your practice.

Poses to Practice

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Mula bandha can be engaged in seated meditation to strengthen your vagina, but you can also employ it during more active poses.

Chair Pose

Chair pose has you in a squat-like position with your arms reaching out past your ears. It's a pose that feels challenging, especially if your vaginal wall and inner thighs are weak. Place a block between your thighs and squeeze to keep proper alignment and to remind yourself to engage your pelvic floor.

Remember to keep your back relatively neutral as well. Avoid tilting your pelvis far forward or tipping your tail bone back to create a sway — find the place between the two extremes as you sit and hold for five to 10 breaths.

  • Chair pose has you in a squat-like position with your arms reaching out past your ears.
  • Avoid tilting your pelvis far forward or tipping your tail bone back to create a sway — find the place between the two extremes as you sit and hold for five to 10 breaths.


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Locust works your lower back and buttocks, but can also help you powerfully engage mula bandha. Lie on your abdomen with your legs extended behind you and your arms by your sides.

Inhale and lift your face, chest, arms and legs up off the floor. As the legs are lifted, concentrate on squeezing the inner thighs toward one another to initiate the root lock. Hold for several breaths and release.

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  • **Locust works your lower back and buttocks, but can also help you powerfully engage mula bandha.
  • ** Inhale and lift your face, chest, arms and legs up off the floor.
  • **
  • Chair pose has you in a squat-like position with your arms reaching out past your ears.
  • Avoid tilting your pelvis far forward or tipping your tail bone back to create a sway — find the place between the two extremes as you sit and hold for five to 10 breaths.