Foods for the Android Body Type

Many diets are based on the idea that body shape is the key to weight loss. If you're an android type, you carry weight predominantly around the middle. This is more commonly known as the apple shape. Hormone response to dietary composition may play a role in fat distribution. There is evidence that when it comes to losing weight, android types respond better to low-glycemic foods.

The Premise

Android, or apple, types tend to secrete a higher amount of insulin rapidly following carbohydrate consumption, according to Peter J. Adamo, M.D., author of "Eat Right for Your Type." Researchers looked at the impact of dietary composition on weight loss in 73 obese adults based on insulin secretion 1. They found that those who secreted high amounts of insulin -- android types -- lost more weight on a low-glycemic diet than they did on a low-fat diet. The authors concluded that reducing carbohydrate load may be crucial to weight-loss success in those who secrete high amounts of insulin. The study was published in the August 2007 issue of "JAMA."

  • Android, or apple, types tend to secrete a higher amount of insulin rapidly following carbohydrate consumption, according to Peter J. Adamo, M.D., author of "Eat Right for Your Type."
  • The authors concluded that reducing carbohydrate load may be crucial to weight-loss success in those who secrete high amounts of insulin.

Make Protein a Staple

Food List for Blood Type O

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Protein foods are a common part of a healthy diet, and they are especially important for android types because protein has a minimal effect on insulin secretion. Lean, nutritious protein foods should make up a good portion of your diet. Nut butters are also good for androids. However, they contain concentrated calories and fat, so choose reduced-fat options such as defatted powdered peanut butter to keep things balanced.

  • Protein foods are a common part of a healthy diet, and they are especially important for android types because protein has a minimal effect on insulin secretion.

Low-Glycemic Carbohydrate Foods

Carbohydrates that cause a mild, more gradual release of insulin are good for android types. Low-glycemic foods are those with a glycemic index, or GI, of 55 or less. Nonstarchy vegetables also have a low GI, making them a good choice for android types.

Choosing Fruit

List of Slow & Fast Carbs

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Some people think you have to limit or avoid fruit if you follow a low-glycemic diet, but this depends on the fruit. Fruit is nutritious and should be a part of every diet. If you're an android type become familiar with the GI for fruits and opt for low-glycemic options as much as possible. Cherries, for example, have a very low GI and are packed with phytonutrients. Other low-GI fruits include:

  • apples
  • pears
  • plums
  • grapefruit
  • peaches
  • oranges
  • grapes
  • kiwi
  • dried apricots

Until you reach your goal weight, "Eat Right for Your Type" recommends avoiding fruit canned in syrup, as well as watermelon, as the GI for these can be 70 or above, which is high 1. Cantaloupe has a moderately high GI, so have a smaller portion if you choose to eat it.

  • Some people think you have to limit or avoid fruit if you follow a low-glycemic diet, but this depends on the fruit.
  • If you're an android type become familiar with the GI for fruits and opt for low-glycemic options as much as possible.