Hot Flashes in Children

All children get overheated during physical activities, sports games or when they get excited. However, some children actually have hot flashes during which their temperature goes up and their face gets red 3. While the exact cause is not completely understood, there are a number of theories as to why children get so warm so quickly. In addition, there are some easy methods used to treat and even cure hot flashes in children 3.

What Are Hot Flashes?

According to, hot flashes can happen at any time, leaving children sweaty and red in the face 13. Hot flashes can come out instantly, causing a sudden, intense hot feeling in the face and upper body 3. Hot flashes may bring on a rapid heartbeat, anxiety, sweating, dizziness, nausea, headache, weakness, a feeling of suffocation and even chills 3.

Possible Causes

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While hot flashes are typical among women experiencing changes of menopause, the cause of hot flashes in children is not completely understood 3. Breast Cancer reports that medications, lifestyle factors, and hormones are the most common predictors of hot flashes 3. The hypothalamus, which is responsible for controlling the appetite, sleep cycles, sex hormones and body temperature, can malfunction and make the body’s thermostat read “too hot.” Infection, diabetes, excessive physical activity, dumping syndrome, or rapid gastric emptying, food allergies, and consumption of spicy foods may result hot flashes in children 3.

Symptoms states that there are a variety of symptoms which may accompany hot flashes 13. While children might experience some of these, it may difficult for them to express what they are feeling. When the hot flash begins, children may feel: pressure in their head; a flushed appearance with blotchy skin on the neck, face and upper chest; a rapid heartbeat; sweating; and a chilled feeling. Less common symptoms include: weakness, fatigue, faintness and dizziness. The most common symptom among children is night sweats.

  • states that there are a variety of symptoms which may accompany hot flashes 1.

Night Sweats

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As reported by the Health Information Directory, night sweats in children cause children to sweat profusely during the night 4. The child’s clothing and sheets may be drenched with sweat in the morning. This is considered normal and does not necessarily indicate a problem. Typically, this occurs because children become overheated while sleeping; however, sometimes it can indicate a more serious problem. If overheating is the culprit, the child will already be warm before she is put to bed, and her skin may even feel warm and moist. If the child does not feel warm before bed and begins sweating during the night, it may mean that she has a medical problem requiring the doctor’s attention.

  • As reported by the Health Information Directory, night sweats in children cause children to sweat profusely during the night 4.
  • If the child does not feel warm before bed and begins sweating during the night, it may mean that she has a medical problem requiring the doctor’s attention.


According to Hot Flash Cures, medications are not always necessary for the treatment of hot flashes; rather, lifestyle changes and home remedies may help to eliminate such episodes 3. Keeping cool by dressing in layers, opening windows or using a fan can eliminate slight increases in the body’s temperature which may cause a hot flash. Avoid hot and spicy foods and caffeinated beverages that can trigger hot flashes 3. It is important to remember what triggers a child’s hot flashes 3. Helping children to relax and breathe deeply can also reduce the occurrence of hot flashes 3.
