How to Cook Black Sweet Rice

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Black sweet rice, or sticky black rice, is native to India and Southeast Asia. Unlike many other types of rice, sticky rices lack amylose. This causes them to clump, or stick, together more, which is the source of the name sticky rice. Stickiness is greater when the rice is cooked in the traditional method on the stovetop or in a rice cooker, so if you prefer a less sticky outcome, you may choose the steaming method. Regardless of which method you choose, black sweet rice needs to soak for a minimum of eight hours before cooking, so plan ahead.

Pan Cooking

Rinse and sort the rice, removing any debris.

Soak the rice for at least eight hours or overnight.

Add six cups of water to a pot for every one cup of black sweet rice. Salt the water and bring it to a boil.

Add black sweet rice to the boiling water and cover. Reduce the heat to a simmer.

Simmer the covered rice for 40 to 50 minutes, or until tender.

Remove the cover from the pot. Fluff and serve the black sweet rice.

Steam Cooking

Rinse and sort the rice, removing any debris.

Soak the rice for at least eight hours or overnight.

Line a steamer basket with cheesecloth.

Spread the sweet black rice evenly on top of the cheesecloth.

Bring water to boil in a pot that is big enough to accommodate and enclose the steamer basket.

Insert the steamer basket into the pot above the boiling water and cover the pot.

Steam the rice for about one hour or until it is tender.

Taste the rice kernels for tenderness toward the end of cooking.

Serve the rice while it is hot for best flavor.