How to Cook Beef Country-Style Strips

Beef Steak with Bread

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Country-style strips may be better-known to some as country-style ribs, but this nickname is misleading -- country-style ribs aren't ribs at all. Rather, they come from the chuck portion of the cow and have a fat content similar to what you will find on beef ribs. According to the Texas Beef Council, when chuck shoulder pot roast is often cut up into strips and deboned, it is often sold as country-style ribs. These strips are usually braised first and you can prepare them solely through braising or finishing them off on a grill. Braising will help tenderize the meat and infuse it with flavor, and the grill can add a crisp exterior.

Place a pan on your stove top and preheat to medium. Place a small amount of cooking oil in the pan.

Set your strips in the pan and brown on all sides, which will take about one minute per side.

Add broth, about 1 1/2 cups per 2 lbs. of country-style strips. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer, cover the pan with a lid and cook for about two hours or until the strips become tender when poked.

Preheat your grill to medium while the strips finish braising, then transfer the strips onto the grill. Brush a barbeque glaze onto the strips and turn occasionally while cooking for four to six minutes, letting the exterior harden.

Remove from the grill and serve.