The end of a year (and the end of a decade) always inspires reflection and speculation: What did we learn? How will we grow? What did we eat? How will we sweat?
In looking back at the top trends of 2019 in food, fitness and weight management, we see more than a little progress; and in predicting where we're headed next (with the help of top experts, industry data and reliable research — not crystal balls), we see exciting new goals starting to take shape.
So strap on your virtual reality headset and serve yourself some crabless crab cakes: Here's what rounded out 2019 and what 2020 has in store.

Eating Better in 2019: Low-Carb, Grain-Free, Plant-Based Everything
From cauliflower oatmeal to faux meat that looks and cooks like the real thing, plant-based food products dominated in 2019. But do they deserve their sparkly health halos? Industry leaders and top dietitians gave us the dish on the year's biggest food trends.

Eating Better in 2020: Sustainable Seafood, Dairy and Burger Blends for All
Expect to see sustainability firsts like fish-free fish and all-purpose alt-flours for just about any diet among the game-changing innovations of 2020.

Getting Fit in 2019: Work Hard, Recover Hard
When you're short on time, you're not about to waste any on a workout that won't, well, work. We asked top fitness professionals if the trendy studios, gear and recovery methods that popped up in 2019 are actually worth your gym time.

Getting Fit in 2020: High-Tech Workouts Hit Home
The future of fitness does include a fair amount of high-tech gadgetry, but other trends go back to important basics; expect to see more inclusivity and accessibility in your favorite workouts next year.

Managing Your Weight in 2019: The New Keys to Success
Thanks to this year's research, we gained an even better understanding of what works — and what doesn't — when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off for good. (Adios, keto!)

Managing Your Weight in 2020: Why Dieting Is So Last Decade
When it comes to weight loss, you want to go with what's proven to work, not what's shiny and new. Skip the fad diet and start the next decade off right with sustainable, science-backed ways to get the scale moving in the right direction.