How to Bake a Potato Without an Oven

Baked potato

CharlieAJA/iStock/Getty Images

One of the most versatile and nutritious side-dishes readily available in most kitchen pantries is the potato. Baking a potato retains the flavor without adding fat or calories, and potatoes can be served on the side or dressed-up as the main attraction. A medium, skin-on potato has about 110 calories, 3 g fiber, 3 g protein and is a good source of potassium, vitamin C and B6. Potatoes are also a great source of antioxidants. Baking a great tasting potato does not require an oven.

Pre-heat grill to 350 F.

Rinse and scrub potato, removing any dirt.

Wrap potato in aluminum foil and pierce several times with a fork to vent.

Grill potato for 45 minutes.

Check to see if the potato is ready by squeezing it gently, protecting your hand with an oven mitt. If the potato feels soft, remove it from the grill. If the potato feels firm, continue cooking for 10-minute intervals until it feels soft when squeezed.