How to Substitute Knox Gelatin for Eggs

Egg Prices Continue Sharp Rise As Avian Flu Takes Tool On Supply

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Egg allergies put many commercial baked goods off limits, but if you bake at home, you can substitute gelatin for eggs. One packet of Knox Unflavored Gelatine contains roughly the same amount of protein in about one-third the calories of an egg, so it's also a good substitute if you aim for lower-calorie baking.The gelatin also contains no fat and no sugar. Look for unflavored gelatin beside the flavored gelatin in your grocery store.

Prepare your recipe up to the point where you would add the eggs.

Measure 2 tbsp. of warm water per egg into a small bowl.

Sprinkle one packet of Knox Gelatine per egg over the water. Mix thoroughly with a whisk or fork.

Add the gelatin and water mixture to the other ingredients and mix as directed by the recipe.