How to Remove Starch From Potatoes

Boiling peeled potatoes hastens the release of starch.
Image Credit: KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock/Getty Images

Starch is a carbohydrate found in many foods. It is a white and tasteless substance that can be processed to make numerous products, some of which are sugars, thickeners for foods such as corn starch, and laundry starch. In potatoes, starch is abundant and makes for a good staple food. But potatoes have a high glycemic index, which could be a health threat, especially for diabetics and those with high blood pressure. While starch cannot be totally avoided when eating potatoes, a few steps can be taken to lower starch levels.


Step 1

Choose potatoes with lower starch levels. There are many different potatoes on the market, and some have higher starch content than others. Look for potatoes with high water content and low starch levels, which include red and white potatoes. These types are usually boiled or roasted. Potatoes with high starch content and low water content include Russet potatoes, which are popular for mashing and baking. Yukon Gold potatoes also have a high starch and low water content.

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Step 2

Soak raw potatoes in a container for up to four hours. The potatoes should be fully submerged to prevent oxidation and discoloration. After four hours, the potatoes should be rinsed with cold water. Chopping, cutting or otherwise slicing the potatoes will excrete more starch.

Step 3

Boil the potatoes on medium to high heat until the potatoes can easily be penetrated by a knife, around an hour. Drain the potatoes of the hot water, which will be a milky color due to excess starch and rinse with cold water. Although it is better to leave the skin on until after boiling because the skin retains nutrients, peeled and cut potatoes will rid potatoes of excess starch more quickly. A choice will have to be made on whether to sacrifice nutrition for time.

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