The Importance of Practicing Sports

child swinging baseball bat
Image Credit: Peter Dean/iStock/Getty Images

The time allotted to practicing sports is an important period for players, coaches and officials. During practices, players work on their skills while coaches and officials work together to enforce the rules of the game. Practicing sports encourages players to stay active and healthy, as well as develop communication skills and build self-confidence.


Improving Health

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Practicing sports offers numerous health benefits, which include improved lung and heart function, as well as reduced medical conditions such as high blood pressure and osteoporosis, or reduced bone density. While practicing sports, you exercise motor and cognitive skills, which are essential both on and off the field. Practicing sports also supports weight loss and enhances your quality of life by encouraging healthy habits.

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Building Confidence

The product of practicing sports is good physical health, which ultimately impacts mental health. Frequent exercise and good eating habits often lead to an improved perception of your body image and self-esteem. Practicing sports enables you to set goals and reach them, whether they are to look and feel better about yourself or become a better player and teammate. Repetition of skills during practice also enables you to learn from your mistakes and become a more confident player.


Exploring Passions

Practicing prepares you to play different types of sports, because many of the skills learned in a sport can be applied to similar sports. For example, if you like playing lacrosse, you may also enjoy playing hockey. If you're interested in playing a new sport, decide which skills you enjoy in your current sport and pick a sport that includes that skill, whether it's running, throwing, lifting or jumping. You learn a lot about yourself when practicing sports, and practicing a new sport challenges you to try new things and step out of your comfort zone.


Recapping Rules

Coaches and sports' officials spend a lot of time learning the rules of their game. Players should also learn and practice their sport's rules out of respect for themselves, their teammates and their coaches. Rules were established in sports so that everyone involved works toward a common goal. This exercises teamwork, communication, safety and problem-solving skills. These skills can be applied to situations off of the field, such as in the classroom and workplace. Practicing allows time for rules to be understood and implemented.


