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Contact Editors

Got something to share or see something that doesn’t adhere to our standards? We want to know! We’re always working to improve our site and appreciate feedback. Get in touch at [email protected].

Social Media

You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

Customer Service

If you’re having trouble with the site functionality, please email us at [email protected].


For press inquiries, email us at [email protected].

For advertising and sponsorship inquiries, email us at [email protected].


Contact our official partner, Wright’s Media, about available usages, license fees and award seal artwork at [email protected]. Please note Wright’s Media is the only authorized company that can provide World of Good brand materials.

Work With Us

We encourage experienced, qualified health, nutrition and fitness writers to pitch stories to our editors via this form.

Please note we do not accept unsolicited guest-authored content.


We also encourage credentialed health, nutrition and fitness experts to join our team of reviewers. If you’re interested in becoming an expert reviewer, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected]

Learn more about our experts.

Learn More About

About Us

The team is passionate about good health and good information. We’re a team of experienced journalists, certified personal trainers, foodies, yogis, coffee fanatics, dog lovers, cat lovers and data geeks. Learn more about us.

Our Editorial Standards

In the hundreds of articles we publish each month, we strive to inform and encourage, never assume nor prescribe. Learn more about our editorial standards.

Our Language Choices

We use inclusive, accessible and welcoming language to deliver trusted health, nutrition and fitness information for ‌‌all‌‌. Learn more about our language choices and how they represent ‌all‌ of our readers.

Our Challenges

Our monthly challenges help you establish (and sustain) better fitness habits all year long. Learn more about how our challenges will push you to be your best and provide encouragement and inspiration to stick with it.

Our Experts

A team of credentialed health experts reviews our articles to ensure they are accurate, thorough and up-to-date. Learn more about our expert reviewing process.