Peter Marino
Peter owns and operates PoshFitness.com, an in home & online personal training & health coaching company in Greenwich CT. He graduated from Brooklyn College with a Bachelors Degree in Athletic Training and has an MS in biotechnology. Peter is certified as a Personal Trainer & Health Coach, a Kettlebell Instructor, and a TRX Trainer. Peter Marino has given interactive seminars on nutrition and fitness for healthcare clinics, Morgan Stanley, IBM, & Alliance Bernstein. He has written for: PeterMarino.net, NYS Dental Journal (Ergonomics), Life Extension Blog, Barbend.com, Trainerize.me, & Livestrong. Peter appeared on ABC NEWS and NEWS 12 Westchester for fitness segments. Peter also had a unique kids fitness DVD entitled Fantastically Fit Kids™ which won the Best Instructional Documentary Award in 2006.
Education & Training: University of Maryland Global Campus MS in Biotechnology
Works For: PoshFitness.com
Experienced In: metabolism, irritable bowel syndrome (ibs), fitness, exercise equipment, weight and body fat
- Author (5)
By Peter Marino
