Exercises That Burn 1,000 Calories a Day

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Any exercise will burn 1,000 calories if you work out hard enough and long enough.
Image Credit: jacoblund/iStock/GettyImages

When it comes to increasing calorie burn, you've got two factors to manipulate: time and intensity. The longer you work and the harder you work, the more calories you'll burn. So in theory, any exercise can become a 1,000-calorie workout with enough intensity and duration.


However, the type of exercise you can sustain and the time you have available will determine which 1,000-calorie workout is best for you. But before running into things so fast, it's important to consider that burning 1,000 calories may not be wise for everybody.

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About Calorie Burning

The number of calories burned in a given amount of time doing any exercise depends on a person's weight and fitness level. A person with a higher body weight typically burns more calories per minute because it takes more energy to move while exercising. In addition, the fitter you are, the fewer calories you'll burn doing the same activity as a less-conditioned person, because your heart and lungs work more efficiently to supply fresh blood and oxygen to your working muscles.

Understanding this, it's clear that people with lower body weights, or those who are already fit, may not be able and may not need to burn 1,000 calories a day.

1,000-Calorie Workout Caution

Doing a 1,000-calorie workout may not be recommended for many individuals. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) warns that overtraining syndrome can occur when there is too much exercise without enough recovery or chronic underfueling.


Long-term low energy availability, such as burning too many calories without eating enough, can cause metabolic disturbances and medical complications involving the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, nervous or reproductive systems (including female menstrual cycles).

If you are eating a low-calorie diet, it's important to remember that calories are needed to support basic metabolic and physiological functioning. Burning 1,000 calories a day could be dangerous and harmful to your body if you're not eating enough to support your metabolism.


In addition to metabolic consequences, attempting to do a 1,000-calorie workout may result in burnout or injury — or both. Be sure to incorporate rest days or consider breaking up your exercise into shorter sessions that don't result in burnout.


Running and Bicycling

Running is a tough activity that burns a large number of calories in a short amount of time. More physically demanding than jogging, running is typically done at a pace of 5 mph or faster.


According to Harvard Health Publishing estimations of calories burned for people of three different weights, a 125-pound person running at 6 mph — a 10-minute mile — burns 600 calories per hour, and a 185-pound person burns 888 calories per hour. At that rate, it would take you between approximately 68 and 100 minutes. Run faster than that, and it will take you less time to reach your goal.

Cycling at a pace of 14 to 15.9 mph, it will take you the same of amount of time to burn 1,000 calories as it would if you were running at a pace of 6 mph — 67 to 100 minutes, depending on your weight. Pick up the pace to 16 to 19 mph, and you could burn 1,000 calories in 56 to 83 minutes. Cycle up a lot of hills, and you'll hit your goal in even less time.


Another factor contributing to calorie burn while running and cycling is terrain. You'll burn fewer calories on flat terrain and considerably more if you're running a lot of hills.

Read more: Is Biking or Running a Better Workout? Here's How to Decide

Jumping Rope as Exercise

If you're looking for something a bit more interesting, jumping rope is one of the highest calorie-burning exercises, burning between 10 and 14 calories per minute for people weighing between 125 and 185 pounds.


According to Harvard Health Publishing's estimates, it will take you about the same time to burn 1,000 calories jumping rope as it will running at a pace of 6 mph. If you weigh 125 pounds, you'll need to jump rope for 100 minutes, and if you weigh 185 pounds, you'll only need to jump rope for 67 minutes.

Read more: Weighted Jump Rope vs. Speed Jump Rope


High-Intensity Interval Training

ACE explains that high-intensity interval training, which combines short bursts of high-intensity exercise with recovery periods, may enable you to burn more calories in less time.

Interval training can be incorporated into almost any workout to help you burn more calories. For example, instead of running at a steady pace the whole time, try running for two minutes, sprinting for one minute and then running again for two minutes. Continue to alternate between the two for the remainder of your workout.

Read more: How to Build the Best HIIT Workout for You


