How to Walk in an Ankle Aircast

You may need crutches to walk in an Aircast.
Image Credit: Ingram Publishing/Ingram Publishing/Getty Images

If you suffer an ankle sprain or injury, your doctor may give you an ankle Aircast to help protect your injured joint and keep your ankle stabilized. Aircast makes several different types of ankle braces, some of which are designed specifically for walking. In many cases, your doctor may suggest you use crutches for several days or weeks as your injury heals. Talk to your doctor about how to walk in your ankle Aircast. Different injuries may require different walking strategies, and your doctor may want you to stay off your injured ankle completely for a certain amount of time.


Step 1

Ensure your ankle Aircast is secure and placed properly on your ankle. The straps should be tight, but they should not cut off your circulation or irritate your skin.

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Step 2

Walk slowly, gently setting the heel of your injured foot on the ground and rolling forward on your foot if you have a walking ankle brace made by Aircast. These braces look like large plastic boots.

Step 3

Stand up straight and position your crutches under your armpits if you are using crutches to walk in your ankle brace. Adjust your crutches so that the tops are about 1 inch below your armpits and the hand grips are even with your hips, recommends the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Step 4

Lean forward on your crutches, allowing your hands to absorb your weight. Place the bottom grips of the crutches about 1 foot in front of you.


Step 5

Push your injured foot forward, keeping your weight off your ankle if your doctor instructs you to keep it elevated. Press down on your foot gently, keeping most of your weight on your hands on the crutches if your doctor tells you that you can put some weight on your injured foot.

Step 6

Swing your body forward between the crutches and move your healthy foot forward in line with the rest of your body to prepare for your next step.


Step 7

Place both crutches under one arm and grip the rail with your other hand when going up stairs on crutches. Go up the stairs with your good foot first and follow with your injured ankle.

Step 8

Swing your injured ankle down first when going down stairs with crutches. Balance your weight on both crutches under one arm and grip the handrail firmly with your other hand. Follow with your non-injured foot and take a moment to regain your balance before moving down the next stair.


If you must go up or down stairs that do not have a handrail, you can lower yourself to your bottom and scoot up and down the stairs one step at a time.


Do not jump, run or jog in an ankle Aircast unless your doctor directs you to wear one while playing sports. This could re-injure your ankle or damage your brace. Talk to your doctor if walking in your ankle Aircast or using your crutches causes pain or discomfort.

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