Nutritional Value of Dried Apricots

A bowl of dried apricots.

Adult women are encouraged to one and one half cups of fruit everyday and males should have two cups. Dried fruits like apricots are a good source of fiber and can be included in a healthful diet as a fruit serving, with 1/2 cup of dried fruit equal to one cup of fresh fruits. These fruits can provide lots of vitamins and minerals, but beware: Calories add up very quickly.


Serving Information

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A serving of dried apricots is about 1/4 cup. This is about 28 g, or eight halves of the dried fruit. The dried fruit can be stewed if preferred, with or without added sugar. Nutrient information is provided for the plain, dried fruit.

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A serving of this fruit supplies about 67 calories, but keep in mind that this is for 1/4 cup. Be sure to portion the fruit instead of eating straight from the bag or carton to prevent overeating.


The bulk of the calories in dried apricots is from sugar. Of the 17.5 g of total carbohydrates, 15 g are from the natural fruit sugar, providing 90 percent of the calories. A serving of dried apricots provides about 2 g of fiber, or about 8 percent of the daily value.

Protein and Fat

A serving of fruit provides about 1 g of protein and trace fat. It can be tempting to eat more than one serving at a time because of the low fat content, but remember to keep an eye on total calories.


Vitamins and Minerals

Dried apricots provide small amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. They provide about 1,171 IU of vitamin A and 1.4 mg of vitamin E. There are only 3 mg of sodium per serving, making dried apricots a low-sodium food and a good choice for those with high blood pressure.
