How to Increase Jawbone Density and Strength

A healthy jawbone allows you to yawn without pain.

A strong and healthy jawbone is essential for activities such as talking and eating food. Additionally, a strong jawbone is necessary to keep all of your teeth in place, according to Medical News Today. Like any bone in your body, however, the jawbone is susceptible to osteoporosis, a bone-thinning disease which Medical News Today reports is estimated to affect 10 million people in the United States. Women are particularly susceptible to osteoporosis in the jawbone and elsewhere, and the risk of osteoporosis increases with age.


Step 1

Ensure you are getting plenty of calcium, whether in your regular diet or in the form of a calcium supplement. For most adults under the age of 50, the recommended daily intake of calcium is 1,000mg. The National Institutes of Health recommends that children have between 200 and 1,300mg of calcium daily, depending on age. Women over 50 are recommended to take 1,200mg of calcium daily. According to, calcium is best absorbed in doses of 500 to 600mg, so you may need to take two calcium doses at different times of day for optimal absorption.

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Step 2

Start a regular exercise routine if you are not already active. If osteoporosis, arthritis or another condition affecting bones or joints is a concern for you, the exercise you choose does not need to be high-impact. Even brisk walking provides an aerobic workout with many health benefits including building up the bone density throughout your body. An inactive lifestyle increases your risk of developing bone problems in your jaw and elsewhere in your body.

Step 3

Eliminate dietary and lifestyle factors which can have a negative effect on your jawbone's strength and density. Smoking is known to damage the jawbone, as is excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine. Cutting down or eliminating nicotine, caffeine and alcohol will reduce the risks to the health of your jawbone. Consult your doctor for medical advice if you feel you are genetically or otherwise predisposed to problems with your jawbone.


Menopausal women are at a relatively greater risk for osteoporosis in the jawbone and elsewhere.


None of the information above is a substitute for professional medical advice.

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