Fun, Full-Body Workouts for Beginners You Can Do at Home

Getting in a solid sweat in the comfort of your own home saves both time and money.
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On any given day, there are a slew of excuses you can make to skip a workout. It's cold outside. The gym's closed today. You don't want to shell out money for a boutique fitness class. The good news? A lot of that goes out the window if you're willing to take on a sweat session at home.


There are plenty of benefits to crushing a workout in your garage or living room, including more privacy and saving money. Plus, you can get the perk of getting things done on your terms and schedule.

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We asked twp personal trainers for their favorite beginner workouts you can do at home (or anywhere, really) that target every major muscle group. Pick one of the following full-body workouts and get to it.

Read more: 5 At-Home Workouts for Women With Busy Schedules

Full-Body At-Home Superset Workout

Work every muscle from head to toe with this beginner-friendly workout from personal trainer Hannah Davis.

Do: Each superset (two exercises performed back to back) for three rounds, performing each exercise for 15 reps (or 15 reps per side).


Superset 1

  1. Body-weight squats
  2. Push-ups (modify if needed)

Move 1: Body-Weight Squat

  1. Start with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower down into a squat with your thighs at or below parallel to the floor.
  3. Press through your heels to return to stand.


Move 2: Push-Up

  1. Start in a high plank with shoulders over wrists.
  2. Keeping the elbows close to rib cage, lower your body in straight line toward the floor.
  3. Push through palms back to start.

Superset 2

  1. Reverse lunges
  2. Bent-over rows with resistance band


Move 1: Reverse Lunge

  1. Stand with your feet together.
  2. Take a big step back with your right foot and sink your back knee down, close to the ground. Both knees should be at 90-degree angles. Keep your torso as upright as possible.
  3. Press through the left heel to return back up to the top
  4. Repeat on the opposite side, alternating with each rep.


Move 2: Bent-Over Row


  1. Stand securely on the middle of the band with both feet. Spread your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Hinge forward slightly at the hips, and hold one end of the band in each hand.
  2. Begin with your arms resting at your sides and palms facing you. Rotate your thumbs slightly forward.
  3. Raise your elbows up toward the ceiling. Stop when your elbows reach shoulder height.
  4. Hold for two to three seconds, then slowly lower your arms back down.

Superset 3

  1. Forearm plank to high plank
  2. Lying side leg raises


Move 1: Forearm Plank to High Plank

  1. Start in a high plank with your shoulders over your elbows.
  2. Slowly lower your right arm until your forearm and elbow are resting on the ground.
  3. Carefully lean on that forearm, and bring your left arm down to rest on the ground in the same way. You should now be in a forearm plank.
  4. Hold the plank for one count, then slowly return to the push-up position, one arm at a time.


Move 2: Lying Side Leg Raise

  1. Start lying on your right side, leaning on your right elbow.
  2. Keeping it straight, raise your left leg up toward the ceiling. Slowly lower back down to start.

Superset 4

  1. Glute bridges
  2. Resistance band reverse flyes

Move 1: Glute Bridge

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Your feet should be flat on the ground with your heels a foot away from your butt.
  2. Drive your hips up while keeping your upper back, head and arms on the ground. The higher you can press your hips up, the harder your glutes work. Lower back to start.


Move 2: Resistance Band Reverse Fly

  1. Stand securely on the middle of the band with both feet. Spread your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Hinge forward slightly at the hips and hold one end of the band in each hand.
  2. With your elbows slightly bent, slowly lift the handles to where the hands reach shoulder level or a little before shoulder level.
  3. Lower the handles back to the floor.

Read more: 6 Strength-Training Workouts You Can Do at Home

Full-Body At-Home Dumbbell Workout

For your second full-body workout in this series, personal trainer Mike Donavanik offers an easy workout for beginners you can do with or without dumbbells.

Do: Each of the following exercises for three rounds total.

  • 12 to 15 body-weight or dumbbell squats
  • 12 to 15 push-ups (on your knees or incline if needed)
  • 12 to 15 alternating lunges (each leg)
  • 12 to 15 Supermans
  • Forearm plank (hold for as long as possible; aim for at least 30 seconds)

Move 1: Body-Weight Squat

  1. Start with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower down into a squat with your thighs at or below parallel to the floor.
  3. Press through your heels to return to stand.

Move 2: Push-Up

  1. Start in a high plank with shoulders over wrists.
  2. Keeping the elbows close to rib cage, lower your body in straight line toward the floor.
  3. Push through palms back to start.

Move 3: Alternating Lunge


  1. Start standing with your feet together. Step forward with your right foot and lower down into a lunge, keeping your torso upright. Both knees should be almost at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Press through your right heel to return to start
  3. Repeat on the opposite side.

Read more: How to Do Leg Workouts at Home

Move 4: Superman

  1. Start lying on your stomach. Bring your legs together and extend your arms overhead so your biceps are alongside your ears.
  2. Using the muscles of your back with a little help from your glutes, raise your legs and torso off the ground. Keep your legs straight and reach your fingertips away from you.
  3. Hold for three breaths before lowering back to start.

Move 5: Forearm plank

  • Set yourself in a low plank, with shoulders directly over your elbows.