The Only Resistance Band Butt Workout You Need for Stronger Glutes

All you need is a few feet of space and a resistance band to get this workout done.
Image Credit: MilosStankovic/iStock/GettyImages

Mini resistance loops and glute workouts go together like Batman and Robin or Bert and Ernie. Though each is great on their own, they're even better together.


"I find that mini bands are super effective for hip and glute work," says Tatiana Scott, CPT, personal trainer, founder of Fit With Curves and host of our 4-Week Resistance Band Challenge. "You can position a mini loop band around your hips and thighs to target all three major muscles in your glutes."

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Scott created this glute workout full of resistance band exercises that's easy to do right at home with a few feet of free space. In between sets and exercises, rest for 20 to 40 seconds. You won't feel fully rested (like you were before your workout), but you should feel ready to tackle the next set.


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Try This Resistance Band Butt Workout

For this routine, you'll need a mini loop and long resistance band. If you only have one type, check out the modifications below each exercise.

1. Long Loop Kang Squat

Sets 3
Reps 10
  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart with a long band under both feet and looped around your shoulders and behind your neck.
  2. Push your hips back and fold your torso forward so your torso is parallel to the floor. This is a good morning exercise.
  3. Bend your knees and send your hips back to sit into a squat. Lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor or as low as you can go comfortably with good form.
  4. Push through your heels back to the good morning position.
  5. Straighten back up to standing. That's 1 rep.


If you're using a mini loop, you have two options: First, wrap one end around your left foot and hold with your left hand. Do half the reps on one side and half on the other.

Second, loop the band around both legs just above your knees. This version targets your hips and gluteus medius ("side butt") more than the long-loop version, making it one of the best butt-lifting exercises.

2. Mini Loop Hip Thrust With Pulses

Sets 3
Reps 10
  1. Loop a mini band around your legs just above your knees.
  2. Sit with your knees bent and pointed toward the ceiling and prop yourself up on your hands behind your, fingers pointing toward your feet.
  3. On an exhale, squeeze your glutes, press into your heels and hands to drive your hips up so that you're in a tabletop position, supported only by your hands and feet.
  4. Raise your hips until you form a straight line from knees to shoulders.
  5. Pause here for a moment, then pulse: Lift and lower your hips a few inches.
  6. Lower back down so your butt is hovering just about the ground. That's 1 rep.


The long-loop version is a bit different: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Place a long loop across your hips and anchor it to the floor with both hands. Then, instead of pressing up into a reverse tabletop, you'll do a glute bridge (feet and shoulders on the floor).

3. Mini Loop Lateral Step With Squat

Sets 3
Reps 10
  1. Loop a mini band around both legs just above your knees and stand with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Slightly bend your knees and step to your right side with your right foot.
  3. Bring your left foot toward your right foot, but make sure your feet are still hip-width apart.
  4. Take another step to the right, ending with feet hip-width apart.
  5. Bend your knees and push your hips back into a squat. Lower until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or as far as you mobility allows).
  6. Press through your heels to stand back up. That's 1 rep.
  7. Repeat in the other direction. Continue alternating sides until you've completed all your reps.


To incorporate a long loop, stand on one end, feet in the loop hip-width apart. Cross the middle of the band in front of your body and hold the other end with both hands at shoulder height. Then, step, step, squat.

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4. Mini Loop Donkey Kick

Sets 3
Reps 10
  1. Loop a mini band around both legs just above your knees.
  2. Get onto all fours with your hands below your shoulders and your knees below your hips.
  3. Keeping your hips square to the ground and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, squeeze your glutes to lift your right foot toward the sky as if you are stamping the bottom of your shoe on the ceiling.
  4. Keep your core engaged and your back neutral, then pulse: Lift and lower your foot a few inches.
  5. Inhale as you lower your leg back down. That's 1 rep.
  6. Complete all your reps on one leg before switching to the other side.


To use a long loop, swap the donkey kick for a glute kickback: Wrap one end around your right foot and anchor the other under your right hand. Extend your leg straight back (instead of keeping your knee bent) with your foot flexed.