Mometamax is a veterinarian-prescribed medication used to treat inflammatory bacterial ear infections in dogs. This medication contains three active ingredients: gentamicin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic; clotrimazole, an antifungal medication; and betamethasone, a corticosteroid. Mometamax is administered as liquid drops into the infected ear as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Balance or Hearing Problems

Dogs who receive Mometamax may experience temporary loss of hearing or balance difficulties as side effects of this medication, reports Doctors Foster and Smith Pharmacy. Affected dogs may appear unstable while walking around or may have difficulty playing fetch or their usual physical activities. Hearing difficulties may cause certain dogs to appear unresponsive to auditory commands provided by their owners. These side effects progressively subside with continued use of the medication.

  • Dogs who receive Mometamax may experience temporary loss of hearing or balance difficulties as side effects of this medication, reports Doctors Foster and Smith Pharmacy.
  • Affected dogs may appear unstable while walking around or may have difficulty playing fetch or their usual physical activities.

Skin Irritation

Side Effects of Proin

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Betamethasone, an active ingredient in Mometamax, may cause:

  • the skin within a dog's ear to appear unusually red or irritated,
  • the skin may flake
  • peel or itch
  • warns

Dogs that develop severe skin reactions, such as blistering, following treatment with Mometamax should be taken to a veterinarian for further evaluation and care.

Upset Stomach or Increased Thirst or Urination

Improper ingestion of Mometamax can result in diarrhea or vomiting. Certain dogs may also exhibit increased thirst or may need to urinate more frequently than usual, notes Doctors Foster and Smith Pharmacy. These side effects may contribute to appetite or weight changes. If these side effects emerge, affected dogs should be examined by a veterinarian.

  • Improper ingestion of Mometamax can result in diarrhea or vomiting.
  • These side effects may contribute to appetite or weight changes.

Hypersensitive Reaction

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Infrequently, dogs treated with Mometamax develop a hypersensitive reaction to this medication, explains 2. Allergic reaction side effects in dogs include hives, sudden diarrhea, seizures, cold limbs, pale gums, vomiting, facial swelling or increased itching. This type of reaction requires immediate medical intervention from a veterinarian. In the absence of appropriate treatment, a hypersensitive reaction may be life-threatening.

  • Infrequently, dogs treated with Mometamax develop a hypersensitive reaction to this medication, explains 2.
  • In the absence of appropriate treatment, a hypersensitive reaction may be life-threatening.