Will Running a 5K Every Day Help With Weight Loss?

Running a 5K every day will burn calories, but it's important to prioritize nutrition and recovery, too, if your goal is losing weight.
Image Credit: Zorica Nastasic/E+/GettyImages

Running is one of the best types of cardio you can do to build endurance, strengthen your heart and maintain a healthy weight. It also comes with mental health benefits like stress relief and more energy.


You'll get the health perks from any distance, but the 5K (which is 3.1 miles) is particularly popular because it's doable for new runners and a challenge for seasoned runners to get faster.

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That's why people often wonder if running a 5K every day will lead to weight loss. It can help you lose weight, but there are several other factors that must be considered including nutrition and recovery.

How Running Can Lead to Weight Loss

Running is a tried-and-true way to burn calories. According to the Mayo Clinic, the average person will burn approximately 100 calories per mile. So you can expect to burn at least 300 calories on a 5K run. But in order to lose weight, you need to be burning more energy than you're taking in (i.e. creating a calorie deficit).

"‌When you exercise, your body uses energy, helping to burn the calories you consume," explains Michelle Cardel, RDN, head of clinical research and nutrition at WeightWatchers.


"When on a weight-loss journey, focusing on improving both your eating habits and increasing your physical activity will lead to greater weight loss than only focusing on eating healthier."

Running a 5K every day can help you burn calories, but if you're eating more than your calorie needs, you likely won't lose weight no matter how much you run each day. Cardel explains that building a consistent exercise routine can lead to long-term success — but that routine should include cross-training and rest days for it to be truly sustainable.


The Importance of Diet

You can still maintain that calorie deficit while satisfying your hunger. The key is eating nutrient-dense whole foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein.

"In combination with regular exercise, weight loss and overall health is fueled by overall healthy dietary patterns within your calorie needs," Cardel says. "Increasing your vegetable and protein consumption and relying on nutrient-dense foods as the foundation of your diet will help you to form a healthy pattern of eating, allowing you to enjoy the foods you love without restriction or cutting out food groups."



Because running does burn a lot of calories, it's normal to feel hungrier and need extra fuel to sustain your activity. But there's a fine line between eating for energy and overdoing it. If you're trying to lose weight while starting a running routine, you can try tips like these, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:

  • Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
  • Make sure you're eating enough. Eating regularly, like every 3 to 4 hours, might help.
  • Balance your plate with foods from multiple food groups (i.e. fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats).


The Risks of Running a 5K Every Day

While running may be an enjoyable activity that you want to do every day, rest and recovery are equally important, especially if your goal is to lose weight.

Running is considered a high-impact sport. It puts pressure on your muscles and joints as your feet land with each step. That means your body needs time to recover from the intensity in order to prevent injury and overtraining.


Running a 5K every day doesn't allow your body the break it likely needs and could lead to overuse injury. According to Houston Methodist, the most common overuse injuries include:

These injuries can be prevented by giving your body adequate time to recover from running and adding cross-training into your weekly exercise routine, like cycling, yoga, strength training or swimming.


How many days a week you run depends on your goals, current fitness level and how your body feels — but most coaches wouldn't suggest running more than four to five times a week. Overdoing it on a day you feel like you could use rest is a quick way to end up on the injury list — and could result in long-term problems.


How to Achieve Sustainable Weight Loss

Weight-loss goals require more than just exercise, and pushing yourself to run a 5K every day won't help you reach those goals any faster. Sustainable weight loss takes time, patience and consistency.

The World Health Organization recommends adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week. Instead of running a 5K every day, this target can be reached even with a 30-minute walk on days you want less intensity.

While you're coming up with a weekly routine that works for you, take a look at your eating habits and consider making changes that will support your exercise efforts.

"Adequate nutrition will support your overall fitness and health goals. Focus on eating a balanced diet that incorporates a variety of food groups while staying within your energy needs," Cardel says. "A protein-rich diet can preserve lean body mass and support fat loss, contributing to your overall weight goals."

And don't forget about other habits that support overall health and weight-loss goals, including getting plenty of sleep and reducing stress.
