How to Stop Itching Under the Hair From Chicken Pox

When chicken pox hit, the sores appear anywhere on the body, including under the hairline. Chicken pox is a viral infection. The resulting blisters are tiny, red areas that itch. The scalp is a primary target for a breakout, and the skin in this region is no different from skin on other parts of the body. Home treatment to reduce itching will be the same on the scalp as on other areas.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Fill a bath with tepid water and baking soda. Dip a glass into the mixture and rinse the affected areas of the scalp. Soaking in the tub will reduce itching in other infected areas, as well. As an alternative, use a commercial bath product containing oatmeal instead of baking soda. Follow the directions of the package for proper usage.

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs on Arms

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Soak a cotton ball with calamine lotion and dab the scalp with it. Use your hand to pull back the hair to expose the sores and cover them completely with the lotion.

Take an over-the-counter antihistamine containing diphenhydramine or hydroxyzine 34. Both drugs work to fight the effects of histamines; chemicals released when a foreign agent such as a virus invades the body. Histamines produce the itching. If treating a child, contact the pediatrician before administering any medication. Follow the directions on the package for proper dosage.


Wear gloves when providing treatment for another person. If you have not had chicken pox, have someone who has perform the treatment. Place gloves or socks on the hands to prevent scratching.


If you have asthma or eczema, see a doctor to avoid complications. If scratching leaves open areas that become infected, a doctor may need to prescribe antibiotics.
