How to Calm a Kid's Upset Stomach

When your child complains about an upset stomach, the pain can be from from gas, indigestion, overeating or it could be a sign of a serious medical problem such as a hernia or a ruptured appendix. Although an upset stomach usually is a manageable condition that you can treat at home, be observant and cautious about your child’s symptoms.

Seek immediate medical attention if your child has symptoms that could come from appendicitis, food poisoning, an intestinal obstruction or dehydration from diarrhea. Look for refusal to eat, constant and severe abdominal pain, sudden abdominal pain with no known cause, refusal to walk or being in the fetal position from pain, a fever, pain that leaves and returns and projectile or dark green vomit 1.

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Encourage your child to drink water. According to Steady Health, this can help flush out toxins in his body. Water also helps to keep your child hydrated, which is beneficial if he has increased bowel movements or fluid loss.

Place a warm towel or compress on your child’s stomach. The heat will help soothe his muscles and stomach. Ensure the towel is warm enough for the child too feel, but not so hot that it could burn his skin.

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Offer your kid pure ginger. According to Tums Kids, pure ginger is beneficial for easing stomach pains, and foods with ginger may also work. Try ginger ale, ginger cookies or candy. Read the label to ensure it is made with pure ginger.

Avoid foods that can worsen your child’s upset stomach 5. This includes dairy products and sugary drinks like apple juice. Encourage bland foods such as bread, soup, rice, bananas and crackers.

Purchase an over-the-counter stomach reliever. Match the product with your child’s symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea or heartburn. Read the label and talk to your doctor before administering any medication.

Provide high-fiber foods to your child if he is constipated. Try prunes, prune juice, popcorn or bran products. Most kids shy away from these foods. Try to make them into fun snacks that encourage him to eat.
