Slippery Elm & Weight Loss

The slippery elm, a tree native to North America, has provided natural remedies for a variety of ailments since the Native Americans discovered its medicinal properties, before the first European settlers landed in America. More recently, slippery elm has gained popularity as a weight loss supplement. Unfortunately, no scientific studies have shown weight loss benefits from this herb. Contact your doctor prior to taking slippery elm for any purpose.


Most of the medicinal properties of slippery elm result from the effects of the mucilage, a thick, gluey substance produced by the tree. The mucilage can help sooth irritation or inflammation, softens hardened areas of skin and calms coughs.

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The exact reason slippery elm may help with weight loss remains a mystery. He goes on to explain that slippery elm can also have a diuretic effect that may help you eliminate excess water weight.


The powdered inner bark of the slippery elm tree comes in the form of capsules, tinctures, tablets, powder and lozenges. Traditional uses of slippery elm require taking 800 mg to 1,000 mg in a capsule form three to four times a day, according to the University of Michigan Health System 1. Dorlandt advises making a tea by boiling a mixture of one tablespoon of powdered slippery elm and one cup of boiling water for 30 minutes. He states, “if you make the tea a quart at a time, you can drink it when you are thirsty without having to go through the process of making more.” The tea will be slightly thick, like that of cream soup.

  • The powdered inner bark of the slippery elm tree comes in the form of capsules, tinctures, tablets, powder and lozenges.
  • Traditional uses of slippery elm require taking 800 mg to 1,000 mg in a capsule form three to four times a day, according to the University of Michigan Health System 1.


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Use caution when taking slippery elm with any other medication or herbal supplement.


Dorlandt advises not relying solely on slippery elm for your weight loss solution. Combine this herb with a nutritious, reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise. This combination will allow you to adapt new lifestyle habits and keep the weight off even after you stop taking slippery elm.
