How to Make Beef Sirloin Tender


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Sirloin beef is named for the region of the cow from where it is cut. The sirloin is located between the round, or rear of the cow, and the rib region. The sirloin is home to a number of popular cuts of roasts and steaks, including strip, porterhouse and t-bone steaks, and the tri-tip, top sirloin and tenderloin roasts. From one of the least worked parts of the cow's body, the meat is more likely to be tender without the need of long cooking times.

Preheat your grill to medium-high. Sirloin is naturally tender, so avoid overcooking. Instead, sear the meat over high heat. If you are using gas, ignite the burners on high and allow the grill to reach 400 degrees Fahrenheit. For charcoal grills, light and heat until the coals become ashy. Be sure that your grill grates are cleaned. Use a grill brush to scrape off any burned food or soot.

Season your sirloin steaks with salt and pepper. All steaks should be liberally salted. Grilling expert Steven Raichlen, in his book "Planet Barbecue," writes that the salt provides a protective barrier that prevents natural juices from being lost. Salt burns off and sticks to the grill grates, preventing the more delicate sirloin cut from tasting too salty.

Cook the steaks to medium rare. While sirloin steaks are naturally tender, overcooking them will make them chewy and dry. Medium-rare sirloin beef should slice with little effort and is the recommended doneness for this cut of meat. You can reach medium rare by cooking 11 minutes on a gas grill or 13 minutes on a charcoal grill.

Remove the steaks from the grill and let stand. A steak right off the grill will have a leathery consistency, according to Raichlen. By letting the meat rest at room temperature, it stops cooking and lets the natural juices collect and settle. The end result is not only a tender grilled sirloin steak, but one that bursts with flavor.